Monday, March 23, 2009

Best Shot Monday - BLOWN

The girls got some cascarones and were having a blast cracking the confetti filled eggs on one another....however, the tha-ng is that I sort of had my camera on the "MANUAL" setting...which is like getting on a bike for the first time, without training wheels, or a helmet, going downhill, on ice, barefoot....

So, most of my shots were blown, and I really liked these shots, so I tried, I soooo tried to recoup them on Photoshop. These are my best shots on the worst camera setting ever, for me, that is....

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  1. I give you credit for trying. I haven't been able to make that jump to full manual because I am afraid of messing up royally.
    I think you did a great job at the processing.

  2. Way to go on using the full manual mode! I think you did pretty good. Sometimes I like to blow out my pics on purpose... Can't get enough of that light!

  3. Love the link to the older Bella shot. Too cute! Is this why you missed dance class today? We missed you!

  4. What fun! I don't think I have ever seen those before...I will have to do some research. I don't think I have ever been to your blog, but I know I will be back. And, I MUST get some of those pants!

  5. oh, my girls would love the cracking of eggs on each others heads!! how funny. cute shots!

  6. The shots are perfection to me. Beautifully captured.

  7. My sister lives on her manual setting - I don't know how she does it! I like the last shot of the girls, they've grown so much!

  8. I've never seen such eggs! How cool!!

  9. they look pretty darn good to me! i miss those eggs and the huge mess that goes with them! any chance you want to part with any of bella's old "bella" shirts? just curious. i'd buy em off you!!
